Kids Coloring Contest
The 2025 Swift County Fair Kids Coloring Contest is a great way to get kids involved with the fair.
- Three categories for competition: Age 5 and Under, Ages 6 - 8 and Ages 9 - 12. Download and print the drawing below for the child's age.
- Only crayons or colored lead pencils maybe used. Colored markers will be disqualified. No gluing on of extra materials or embellishment will be allowed.
- Entries will be judged for neatness, use of color, and eye appeal.
- The picture may be duplicated but each child may submit only one entry.
- All entries receive one (1) free carnival ride ticket. Winners will receive: First Prize (3 Ride Tickets), Second Prize (2 Ride Tickets), Third Prize (1 Ride Ticket) in each category will be furnished by the Swift County Fair board.
- Entries must be received at the Fair Board office by 10 AM on Friday August 18th, judging will be held at noon.
- All pictures must be picked up by Sunday night or they will be discarded.
Age 5 and under
Age 6 - 8
Age 9 - 12